About Assurance 16
The 1990 re-authorization of LIHEAP included two new provisions, Assurance 16, which provides funding to assist grantees in helping clients attain energy self-sufficiency, and The Residential Energy Assistance Challenge Program (REACH). REACH grants have not been available since 2012. If and when they become available a Federal notice will be issued.
Assurance 16 is intended to develop information and energy education materials to LIHEAP clients over an extended period of time. Energy education can include, but is not limited to, providing resources to clients to aid them in communicating more effectively with energy vendors in order to maintain service, providing information on reducing energy usage and obtain energy efficiency services, and working with clients to improve financial management skills that help clients proactively manage energy bills.
- States' Use of Assurance 16
- Promoting Self Sufficiency for Low-Income Clients: LIHEAP's Assurance 16
- FY14 Special Study on Assurance 16
- Understanding LIHEAP Assurance 16
- Assurance 16 Planning and Design
The 1994 reauthorization of LIHEAP added a new section to the LIHEAP statute. Section 2607(b), effective in FY 1996, authorizes a new, optional initiative, the Residential Energy Assistance Challenge (REACH) grant, funding for which would be taken out of the LIHEAP leveraging incentive program funds (up to 25 percent of the amount authorized for the leveraging program for FY 1996 and 1997). "Such sums as may be necessary" have been authorized for FY 1998 and 1999. REACH funds have not been available since FY 2012.
States that qualify can use the REACH funds to: "minimize the health and safety risks that result from high energy burdens on low income Americans, prevent homelessness as a result of inability to pay energy bills, increase the efficiency of energy usage by low income families, and target energy assistance to individuals who are most in need."
Additional funds may be made available to state REACH programs that: "have energy efficiency education services plans that meet quality standards established by the Secretary in consultation with the Secretary of Energy; and have the potential for being replicable model designs for other programs." States must use these additional funds for the implementation and evaluation of the energy efficiency education services.
- History of REACH Funding
- State REACH Grants: 2012, 2010 (2nd round), 2010 (1st round), 2007, 2006, 2005
- Residential Energy Assistance: Effectiveness of Demonstration Program as Yet Undetermined, U.S. General Accounting Office, (August 2001)
- REACH Program Evaluations
- Contact the Clearinghouse if interested in any of the following evaluations: Alabama (2000, 2003) Alaska (1998, 2001), Arizona (1998), Connecticut (2004), Georgia (2002), Illinois (1998), Indiana (1998), Iowa (1999), Kentucky (2002), Maine (1998), Maryland (1996), Massachusetts (1996, 2002), Montana (2000, 2010), Nebraska (1996, 1999), New Hampshire (2003), Oregon (1999, 2004), Pennsylvania (2000), Rhode Island (2002), Utah (1998), Washington (2003), Wisconsin (2003).
Energy Efficiency Education and Case Management
- Client Education / Case Management Programs: A Selected Resource List (1996)
- An Annotated Bibliography of Research-Verified Energy Education Programs (July 1994)